November 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009 Edit This 0 Comments »I know, I know....FINALLY AN UPDATE!
Since I haven't updated in almost 2 months, I guess I'll try to make a post to summarize month by month!
Since my last post in November:
I ended up failing my 1 hour glucose screening. I have to admit, I was very disappointed. I did not want to do the 3-hour test..but it's what's best for the baby. So right before Thanksgiving, I had the 3-hour test done. My instructions were to fast starting at midnight of the day of my appointment. You should fast for 8 hours, but I started fasting after I had dinner that night.
When I arrived to my appointment at 8:30am, I had blood drawn and they checked my sugar levels. They have to check the sugar levels before the test begins just to make sure I didn't have a sugar level issue for fasting for that period of time. Good sugar levels are between 80-120. My starting level was 82...I was ready to begin the test.
I then had to drink a glucose liquid like I did for my first test. YUCK! It was fruit punch flavored...which is a flavor I do not enjoy to begin with. After I chugged the drink, I had to get my blood drawn every hour for three hours. Away to the waiting room I went.
First of all, being pregnant, I eat almomst immediately when I wake up due to being hungry. So not eating for a long time and then having to sit in the waiting room for 3 hours....not fun! While the doctor's office was able to check my blood sugar level at the initial blood draw, the next 3 were being sent to a lab. Cha-ching! Personally, that doesn't make sense to me. I'm sure it's a more precise measurement of the sugar levels, but that just means more people to pay to get this little procedure done. (Ok, enough complaining!)
I survived the 3 hour test and was told I would get a call within the next few days.
Well, I never got a call. I found out at my next appt that I passed though. Whoo hoo!
That's all that had happened as far as pregnancy is concerned for November.
My mom, sister, and sister-in-law threw a baby shower for me in the middle of November. We had it at my house in Columbus. It was wonderful. It was so nice to see my family and friends. We also got a lot of the things we registered for...which were primarily all necessities for having a baby. Here are some pictures:

Me and my mom

Me and my sister Jodie

The group!

For Thanksgiving, I had to work the following day, so Jason and I stayed in Columbus and I made a dinner for the 2 of us Thanksgiving night. That weekend, Jason and I spent time with my family in Perrysburg, OH at the Holiday Inn French Quarter. It's a Holidome with indoor activities (ping pong, pool) with and 2 indoor swimming pools that are connected to the outdoor pools. We had a really fun time with my family. It was nice to be able to relax and not have my mom have to work so hard for a meal. Most know, she's a great cook....but that woman deserves a break!! We ended up eating our big family meal at the restaurant in the hotel. They have an excellent buffet with prime rib, crab legs, salads and more. We were all STUFFED to say the least after that meal!
While we were in Toledo, Jason and I were able to eat at our favorite restaurants. My parents ordered our favorite pizza for when we all arrived on Friday evening. Vito's=Yummo! Then on Saturday, for lunch, Jason and I went to our favorite Lebanese deli (Tiger Lebanese). Columbus is much larger than Toledo and does have a lot to offer...but it is seriously lacking in the mediterranean/greek/lebanese food department. We were in heaven with our favorite foods!! We had a really nice time with my family, relaxing and playing games. Needless to say, we had a great Thanksgiving weekend! (Thank you Mom and Dad!)
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