Baby Timeline
Sunday, October 04, 2009 Edit This 0 Comments »
As part of having this blog, Jason and I were hoping to keep everyone "up-to-date" with our pregnancy. Since I started the blog over half way through the pregnancy, I figured I'd create a timeline..for you..and for us to look back at some day!
May 22nd- We were heading home to my parents for Memorial Day weekend. Not that we were really trying to get pregnant, I just wanted to take a pregnancy test to see. It was negative. Ok, time to enjoy the weekend
May 24th- Spent the weekend with the Snyder's. While there on Sunday, I felt things were not happening as usually expected and thought I may need to take another pregnancy test when we got back to Columbus. So we get back and I buy a pack of 3. I take one...start to see the line immediately! WOW! Jason was downstairs, so I thought I'd try another one. I know the tests detect a level of hCG and the only way women have that hormone if is they are pregnant. So I took the second one..again, a line is there immediately! I called Jason upstairs to see. He was stunned; I was too! He thought it would be a good idea to find wait until Monday (Memorial Day) to take the 3rd test. It's a funny thought, but we did it anyway.
May 25th- Memorial Day...take the 3rd test..positive! No surprise here!
In the next week I started asking co-workers some doctors they recommend. Not to be obvious of needing an ob-gyn, I asked for all types of doctors: family practice, dentist, an ob-gyn also.
After several recommendations, I picked a doctor.
I called and set up an appointment for June 8th.
June 8th- 6 weeks along. Had our first appt. with the nurse practitioner of the practice. It was basically a yearly check up for me, but also to verify I was pregnant. Poor Jason was just sitting there during the whole exam...definitely NOT what he was expecting! :)
June 22nd- Had a consultation with our Dr. so we could meet him and run over any questions/concerns. Nothing too exciting.
July 16th- Going on 12 weeks. First ultrasound! Our Dr. actually does the ultrasounds, so that is more personal and a nice touch by the practice I'd say!

August 13th- Going on 16 weeks. Another appt with our doctor. Baby's heartrate was 142. We had the AFP (alpha-fetoprotein) screening done. AFP screenings are done to detect if women are carrying a fetus with certain genetic abnormalities such as:
Open neural tube defects (ONTD), such as spina bifida
Down Syndrome
Chromosomal abnormalities, such as trisomy 18
Defects in the abdominal wall of the fetus They drew some blood and awaited results.
Depending if we had a positive screening would depend on our next appt. More than likely we would have had a 3-d ultrasound done.
September 12- 20 weeks along. Starting to show a bit. Took our first picture of me and the belly!

September 14th- 20 weeks along. No news is good news....the AFP screening came back fine. We had our 2nd ultrasound. Our Dr. took a long time going over different parts of our baby and was very thorough. nice the actual Dr. did it! Baby G is breach right now, but that's nothing to worry about yet. There is still plenty of time to get flipped around.
From what we could see, our Dr. was about 90% sure it is a girl!! He said what he saw usually tends to be a girl, but since Baby G wasn't cooperting the best and spreading those legs, we never got the best image. She was moving EVERYTHING else though! So we started telling people we were about 90% sure it's a girl but we still weren't telling anyone the name at this point.

September 19th- 21 weeks along. Jason felt our baby kick for the first time! I had been feeling it for a while, but was unsure of whether it was the baby or just my body expanding. Unfortunately, I don't have the exact date of when I first felt Baby G kick.
September 20th- We were having lunch with some friends. I was eating and felt the baby kick. Just the night before I was saying our girl name to Jason when I felt a kick like. So at lunch I said "oh ____ must like the food". As soon as it came out of my mouth I looked at Jason. He just looked at me. I couldn't put my head down soon enough and thought "oh no one heard that". One second later our friend Lindsey said "did you just say the name?" After denying it and Lindsey's boyfriend said he heard it clearly, we decided we might as well tell them.
Later in the day we also decided we should tell our family and friends the name, there's no sense in not telling people now that a few people know. So on September 20th....MOLLY was said aloud for the first time to our friends and family! Molly Kay Garcia. Kay is my mom's middle name.
That brings us up to date with all of our appointments.
May 22nd- We were heading home to my parents for Memorial Day weekend. Not that we were really trying to get pregnant, I just wanted to take a pregnancy test to see. It was negative. Ok, time to enjoy the weekend
May 24th- Spent the weekend with the Snyder's. While there on Sunday, I felt things were not happening as usually expected and thought I may need to take another pregnancy test when we got back to Columbus. So we get back and I buy a pack of 3. I take one...start to see the line immediately! WOW! Jason was downstairs, so I thought I'd try another one. I know the tests detect a level of hCG and the only way women have that hormone if is they are pregnant. So I took the second one..again, a line is there immediately! I called Jason upstairs to see. He was stunned; I was too! He thought it would be a good idea to find wait until Monday (Memorial Day) to take the 3rd test. It's a funny thought, but we did it anyway.
May 25th- Memorial Day...take the 3rd test..positive! No surprise here!
In the next week I started asking co-workers some doctors they recommend. Not to be obvious of needing an ob-gyn, I asked for all types of doctors: family practice, dentist, an ob-gyn also.
After several recommendations, I picked a doctor.
I called and set up an appointment for June 8th.
June 8th- 6 weeks along. Had our first appt. with the nurse practitioner of the practice. It was basically a yearly check up for me, but also to verify I was pregnant. Poor Jason was just sitting there during the whole exam...definitely NOT what he was expecting! :)
June 22nd- Had a consultation with our Dr. so we could meet him and run over any questions/concerns. Nothing too exciting.
July 16th- Going on 12 weeks. First ultrasound! Our Dr. actually does the ultrasounds, so that is more personal and a nice touch by the practice I'd say!

August 13th- Going on 16 weeks. Another appt with our doctor. Baby's heartrate was 142. We had the AFP (alpha-fetoprotein) screening done. AFP screenings are done to detect if women are carrying a fetus with certain genetic abnormalities such as:
Open neural tube defects (ONTD), such as spina bifida
Down Syndrome
Chromosomal abnormalities, such as trisomy 18
Defects in the abdominal wall of the fetus They drew some blood and awaited results.
Depending if we had a positive screening would depend on our next appt. More than likely we would have had a 3-d ultrasound done.
September 12- 20 weeks along. Starting to show a bit. Took our first picture of me and the belly!
September 14th- 20 weeks along. No news is good news....the AFP screening came back fine. We had our 2nd ultrasound. Our Dr. took a long time going over different parts of our baby and was very thorough. nice the actual Dr. did it! Baby G is breach right now, but that's nothing to worry about yet. There is still plenty of time to get flipped around.
From what we could see, our Dr. was about 90% sure it is a girl!! He said what he saw usually tends to be a girl, but since Baby G wasn't cooperting the best and spreading those legs, we never got the best image. She was moving EVERYTHING else though! So we started telling people we were about 90% sure it's a girl but we still weren't telling anyone the name at this point.

September 19th- 21 weeks along. Jason felt our baby kick for the first time! I had been feeling it for a while, but was unsure of whether it was the baby or just my body expanding. Unfortunately, I don't have the exact date of when I first felt Baby G kick.
September 20th- We were having lunch with some friends. I was eating and felt the baby kick. Just the night before I was saying our girl name to Jason when I felt a kick like. So at lunch I said "oh ____ must like the food". As soon as it came out of my mouth I looked at Jason. He just looked at me. I couldn't put my head down soon enough and thought "oh no one heard that". One second later our friend Lindsey said "did you just say the name?" After denying it and Lindsey's boyfriend said he heard it clearly, we decided we might as well tell them.
Later in the day we also decided we should tell our family and friends the name, there's no sense in not telling people now that a few people know. So on September 20th....MOLLY was said aloud for the first time to our friends and family! Molly Kay Garcia. Kay is my mom's middle name.
That brings us up to date with all of our appointments.
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